St. Pio was one of the many people who influenced Father Gabriele Amorth. During the years of 1942-1968 he was visited at San Giovanni Rotondo by Ft. Amorth where he resided with other monks. During his time there he had two poster hung in his room which found profound influence to Ft. Amorth. The first read "Human greatness has always had sadness for a companion" which promoted the humility one must have through life. Saint Paul emptied himself for the sake of humility and Jesus died on the Cross for people who rejected Him. This poster was stolen and replaced with "Mary is all the reason for my Hope" which allowed hope for all who suffered and are suffering by looking at Jesus Ressurection and Nativity.
While the Saint was alone, it was not uncommon for the devil to appear to him. He appeared to him as a ferocious dog, Jesus, Mother Mary, a confessor, the Father Guardian of the Convent he resided in, as well as a beautiful naked woman. When he appeared as the Father Guardian of the Convent, he ordered him to take negative actions against the Convent. It was only when he went to confirm these orders later that he recognized it was the work of the Devil.
Amorth, G., Stimamiglio, S., & Fasi, C. J. (2016). An exorcist explains the demonic: The antics of satan and his army of fallen angels. Sophia Institute Press.